Pasta Attachments

Trenette Metal Pasta Cutter AT973A Silver Polished


Stoc epuizat

Detalii produs

There's nothing to beat the authentic taste of freshly made pasta and this attachment makes it easy to make your own trenette at home. Cook your pasta fresh, or chill or freeze it, ready to rustle up a quick meal with real Italian flair.

Heavy-duty stainless steel body

Highly durable and excellent for large quantities.

Easy feed roller

Easy to feed pasta dough into attachment.


specificații generale

Materialul corpului: Stainless steel
Dimensiune (LxlxÎ) (cm): 13 x 11 x 5
Greutate (kg): 1.3
Garanție: Yes
Culoare: Polished


Capacitate (kg): Continuous


Priză: Slow speed outlet